Raid 10/50

CZK 6,000.00

My first prints are out!

In my newest work, I deliberately link the slick and appealing design of a commercial product with its actually toxic filling that inexorably escapes its prescribed boundaries. Inspired by the Raid’s advertising slogan "Home is a place for family, not bugs!" this series offers a new and alternative take on what the coziness and warmth of home means, as previously represented by Andy Warhol's now legendary Campbell's Soups.

Compared to other prints, these are screen printed and also hand colored with aquarelle. So rather than a print, each piece is an individual original.

The 100x70cm sized works are on high quality paper with protective embossing and are a limited edition of 50 signed and numbered pieces + 10 artist's proofs.

Each print is sent in a super strong tube and with a protective paper to avoid any damage.

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My first prints are out!

In my newest work, I deliberately link the slick and appealing design of a commercial product with its actually toxic filling that inexorably escapes its prescribed boundaries. Inspired by the Raid’s advertising slogan "Home is a place for family, not bugs!" this series offers a new and alternative take on what the coziness and warmth of home means, as previously represented by Andy Warhol's now legendary Campbell's Soups.

Compared to other prints, these are screen printed and also hand colored with aquarelle. So rather than a print, each piece is an individual original.

The 100x70cm sized works are on high quality paper with protective embossing and are a limited edition of 50 signed and numbered pieces + 10 artist's proofs.

Each print is sent in a super strong tube and with a protective paper to avoid any damage.

My first prints are out!

In my newest work, I deliberately link the slick and appealing design of a commercial product with its actually toxic filling that inexorably escapes its prescribed boundaries. Inspired by the Raid’s advertising slogan "Home is a place for family, not bugs!" this series offers a new and alternative take on what the coziness and warmth of home means, as previously represented by Andy Warhol's now legendary Campbell's Soups.

Compared to other prints, these are screen printed and also hand colored with aquarelle. So rather than a print, each piece is an individual original.

The 100x70cm sized works are on high quality paper with protective embossing and are a limited edition of 50 signed and numbered pieces + 10 artist's proofs.

Each print is sent in a super strong tube and with a protective paper to avoid any damage.

Je to tu! Mé první printy jsou na světě!

V mé nejnovější práci záměrně propojuji úhledný a přitažlivý design komerčního výrobku s jeho ve skutečnosti toxickou náplní, která nezadržitelně uniká ze svých předepsaných hranic. Inspirována reklamním sloganem Raidu „Domov je pro rodinu, ne pro brouky!“ tato série nabízí nový a alternativní pohled na to, co znamená útulnost a teplo domova, tak jak dříve reprezentovaly dnes již legendární Campbellovy polévky od Andyho Warhola.

Oproti jiným printům jsou tyto natisknuty sítotiskem a navíc i následně ručně barvené akvarelem. Takže spíše než printem, je každý kus samostatným originálem.

Práce formátu 100x70cm jsou na vysoce kvalitním papíru s ochrannou ražbou a jedná se o limitovanou edici 50 podepsaných a očíslovaných kusů + 10 artist's proofs (kusy, které mi zůstávají).
Každý print je zasílán v super pevném tubusu a s pauzovacím papírem, aby se předešlo jakémukoli poškození.