Vojtěch Beránek's poetic debut works with lyrical and often atemporal excerpts from everyday situations, through which the author captures the hidden and often unsuspected dramas of everyday situations and days. The author's poetic world is raw and harsh, seen as if "from below" - from the places where people on the fringes of society and its interest are found. The protagonists of the author's poems are often ordinary people living on housing estates, but a considerable part of the book is permeated by reflective passages of the lyrical subject, in which people either flash by or leave a painful trace in him. The poems are also close to philosophising without any nihilistic mannerisms - we find in them indirectly expressed questions concerning life, death or the meaning of life's values.
Dante Daniel Hartl accompanied the collection with his polaroid photos. The work of this visual artist with a post-conceptual approach to the medium is characterised by artistic reflections based on a wide range of motifs and an undeniable courage to transcend conventions and the boundaries of common practice.
Vojtěch Beránek's poetic debut works with lyrical and often atemporal excerpts from everyday situations, through which the author captures the hidden and often unsuspected dramas of everyday situations and days. The author's poetic world is raw and harsh, seen as if "from below" - from the places where people on the fringes of society and its interest are found. The protagonists of the author's poems are often ordinary people living on housing estates, but a considerable part of the book is permeated by reflective passages of the lyrical subject, in which people either flash by or leave a painful trace in him. The poems are also close to philosophising without any nihilistic mannerisms - we find in them indirectly expressed questions concerning life, death or the meaning of life's values.
Dante Daniel Hartl accompanied the collection with his polaroid photos. The work of this visual artist with a post-conceptual approach to the medium is characterised by artistic reflections based on a wide range of motifs and an undeniable courage to transcend conventions and the boundaries of common practice.
Vojtěch Beránek's poetic debut works with lyrical and often atemporal excerpts from everyday situations, through which the author captures the hidden and often unsuspected dramas of everyday situations and days. The author's poetic world is raw and harsh, seen as if "from below" - from the places where people on the fringes of society and its interest are found. The protagonists of the author's poems are often ordinary people living on housing estates, but a considerable part of the book is permeated by reflective passages of the lyrical subject, in which people either flash by or leave a painful trace in him. The poems are also close to philosophising without any nihilistic mannerisms - we find in them indirectly expressed questions concerning life, death or the meaning of life's values.
Dante Daniel Hartl accompanied the collection with his polaroid photos. The work of this visual artist with a post-conceptual approach to the medium is characterised by artistic reflections based on a wide range of motifs and an undeniable courage to transcend conventions and the boundaries of common practice.
Básnický debut Vojtěcha Beránka pracuje s lyrickými a často atemporálními výňatky z každodenních situací, kterými autor zachycuje skrytá a často netušená dramata všedních situací a dnů. Autorův básnický svět je syrový a tvrdý, viděný jakoby "zdola" - z míst, kde se vyskytují lidé na okraji společnosti i jejího zájmu. Protagonisté autorových básní jsou často obyčejní lidé žijící na sídlištích, notnou část knihy však prostupují reflexivní pasáže lyrického subjektu, ve kterých se lidé buďto mihnou, nebo v něm zanechají bolestnou stopu. Básně mají rovněž blízko k filosofování bez jakéhokoli nihilistického manýrismu - najdeme v nich nepřímo vyřčené otázky týkající se života, smrti či smyslu životních hodnot.
Sbírku svými polaroidovými fotkami doprovodil Dante Daniel Hartl. Dílo tohoto vizuálního umělce s postkonceptuálním přístupem k médiu se vyznačuje výtvarnými reflexemi založenými na širokém spektru motivů a nesporné odvaze překračovat konvence a hranice běžných zvyklostí.
Pages: 72
Language: Czech
Each copy is originally signed by both authors
Released in 2023